Wondering when is my next period due?
And knowing when you’ll have your period can help you get prepared. So, check out the tips below.
Figuring out your period can seem like a mystery – especially when you’re waiting for it to come. But it doesn’t need to be this way!
It’s actually super easy to know when your period is due, when you learn how!

Calculate your average menstrual cycle length
- Start by recording in your diary, or phone, the day your period started each month. Do this for a few months.
- Once you have a few months recorded, add up the number of days in each cycle (i.e. the number of days between the first day of one period and the day before your next period).
- Divide this number by the number of cycles.
- This gives you the average number of days in your menstrual cycle.

How do I know when my next period is due?
Now that you know how to calculate your average cycle length, you can figure out when your next period is due with a period tracking tool.
To do this, start on the first day of your last period and count out the number of days in your average cycle. That’s the projected start date of your next period.

Is there a way to do this without all the maths?
Wish there were a way of figuring out when your next period is without all the counting and maths? Good news - The ALWAYS period calculator will do this for you. All you have to do is mark down when your period started and ended each month, and the calculator does the rest.
Period Calculator

How often should I get my period?
A typical menstrual cycle is 28 days. This means that most people will get their period about every 28 days. In reality, that 28 number actually varies from girl to girl. A normal cycle can be anywhere between 21 and 35 days.

Will my periods come regularly at the beginning?
When you start having your period, it might be hard to define when your next period is due, even if you know how to calculate your cycle.
This is because your first periods might be unpredictable. The good news is that, after a year or so, your menstrual cycle tends to become fairly regular.
And then, once you know how many days are in your average cycle, it’s really easy to calculate when your next period will come.

Why should I care when my next period will be??
Knowing when your period is due can also help you know when to stock up on period supplies, like Always All in One Ultra Day and Night Pads or chocolate ice cream.Knowing when your period is due can help you better understand your changing emotions in the run up to your period.
The hormonal changes that happen just before your period starts, can leave you feeling more emotional or lacking energy. But don’t panic, it just means that your period is around the corner.
Knowing when your period is due can also help you know when to stock up on period supplies, like Always All in One Ultra Day and Night Pads or chocolate ice cream.
You might also want to start wearing an Always Panty Liner in the run up to your period so you don’t get caught off guard when it arrives.