PMS Treatments
Sometimes your period comes without warning, and other times it announces itself loudly and proudly.
We’re talking about PMS, which stands for pre-menstrual symptoms. This can mean headaches, cramps, bloating, and more.
PMS is a normal part of getting your period. Sure, it’s not the most fun, but there are lots of PMS treatments, so they definitely don’t have to rule your life.
Hurray for that! Learning about PMS treatment can make getting your period feel more manageable. So, here goes!

1 What are the symptoms of PMS?
But first – a little about PMS. It can vary from girl to girl and even from month to month. They can include mood swings, bloating, period cramps, backaches, and headaches.
Which PMS symptoms you feel and the intensity you experience them at any given time are affected by changes in lifestyle, diet, and hormone over the past month.
Different premenstrual symptom treatments address different symptoms, so you might want to experiment to find just the right mix that works for you.

2 How to treat PMS?
Here are some ideas on how to treat PMS.
Cuddle up
PMS cramps are a result of contractions in your uterus. Relaxing your muscles is key to easing these contractions. Cuddling up, sometimes in the foetal position, can help your body relax.
You may want to add in a hot water bottle pressed against your lower abdomen, since the warmth will help relax your muscles, as well. So, throw on your favourite sweats and get to it!
Indulge in a warm both
A warm bath is a great treatment for PMS symptoms because it helps relax your muscles - a little remedy for a bad mood! Double win!
It may sound counterintuitive, but stretching and light exercise work wonders as a treatment for PMS symptoms. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain – chemicals that actual boost your mood and change the way you perceive pain.
How cool is that? Stretching also keeps your muscles from scrunching up and causing you cramps – especially in your back and upper thighs. Be sure to go easy and be gentle on yourself.
Only do something if it makes you feel better. After all, the whole point is to find treatments for premenstrual symptoms, not to make them worse.
Drink up!
Bloating is a very common premenstrual symptom. That’s because your body can retain water during your period, making you feel bloated.
Drinking plenty of water will help combat water retention by flushing your body of excess water it is holding on to. So, make sure to stay well hydrated during your period to reduce bloating.
Give in to some cravings
Your body is giving you clues on how to treat PMS. It turns out that food cravings during your period aren’t so random.
Craving chocolate? There’s a reason. Chocolate has chemicals in it that change your brain chemistry and boost your mood. Feeling moody or irritable? Indulge in some chocolate. Just be sure not to go overboard.
If all else fails and you’re still left searching for ways on how to treat PMS, ask your parents or an adult you trust about taking an over-the-counter pain medication.
If there’s one nice thing about getting PMS, it’s that it lets you know that your period is around the corner. This means you have time to prepare by making sure you’ve got some sanitary pads stashed in your bag, locker, and loo.