PMS Symptoms Before Your Period
PMS symptoms are your body’s way of preparing you for that ‘time of the month’. A way to alert you about an incoming period.
PMS symptoms are your body’s way of preparing you for that ‘time of the month’. A way to alert you about an incoming period.
Everyone dreads the effects of PMS. At least all of us who are privileged to have periods. But PMS, short for premenstrual syndromes only wants to help us. Since it occurs before the arrival of your menstrual period.
Premenstrual syndromes can affect your physical health and overall behavior. It’s a very common condition and is experienced by most women around the world. But the degree of PMS symptoms can vary from one woman to another. While some have very mild symptoms, others feel a whirlwind through their bodies.
Similarly, there’s more to know about PMS. So, here’s a primer on various PMS symptoms that you may observe before periods.
PMS Causes
There is no known cause of PMS. However, it’s believed to be triggered by the fluctuation of hormonal levels in your body. Hormones like oestrogen and progesterone tend to increase during this period and cause irritability and mood swings. Serotonin, another hormonal compound, too affects the chemical balance in the brain and affects emotions.
Such nonstop fluctuation of different hormones in your body leading up to the start of the menstrual is generally thought to cause cramps. And put you in a bad mood.
Beginning of PMS
PMS typically shows effects 5-10 days before menstruation and stop once the period starts. In some cases, while the symptoms can be bad at start, they typically taper off within a day or two.

PMS Signs and Symptoms
Getting a cramp is the most common PMS symptom, and you’ll feel them in your lower abdomen. The discomforting sensation begins a few days before the period and may also continue during the period. While it might feel very painful, there’s absolutely nothing wrong.

Pro-tip: You may hold a hot water bottle or heat pack on the area to get some pain relief.
Backaches and Headaches
PMS brings with it severe headaches and backaches. While sometimes the pain may be manageable, it can also be excruciating. If you feel the aches are disrupting your daily activities, talk to your doctor who may prescribe some pain killers.
If you feel bloated, your periods are likely around the corner. You may also see a drastic difference in the size of your tummy. Clothes too won’t fit as they should.
This sign of PMS is perfectly normal and usually subsides in a few days after getting your period.
Breast Tenderness
The breasts feel very tender and sore just before the periods. Brisk walking, running, exercising, or any activity that makes breasts move will cause immense discomfort. You may wince in pain sometimes. But wearing a comfortable bra or a sports bra when exercising can help.
Vaginal Spotting
Vaginal spotting occurs during different times of the menstrual cycle. However, it tends to be more visible before period days. It is a common sign of PMS and is a completely normal occurrence.
You may use ALWAYS Daily Liners to take care of such nonstop spotting. Panty-liners are super thin and flexible, and a great way to feel fresh down there for a long time.
Acne and Breakouts
The skin instantly reacts to the hormonal changes in the body. A common sign of PMS is the appearance of small pumps and acne on the face. Keeping your skin clean through gentle facial cleansing can help reduce the appearance of blemishes on your face.
Mood Swings
You may experience a sudden change in your mood as you near your menstruation. This premenstrual symptom is triggered by the hormones released in your body before the start of your period. It affects your mood, and you may lose your cool over things that otherwise shouldn’t matter. It can feel like you are being too emotional with tears starting to flow at the drop of a hat.
This is one of the most notorious PMS symptoms and can be controlled by simply taking a deep breath every time you feel uneasy. Doing what you love and engaging in casual activities like watching your favorite show can help.
To conclude
Every woman experiences her own set of PMS symptoms before her period. Pay attention and keep track of the changes you feel before your menstrual period arrives. If you can learn about your symptoms and how to control them, PMS will no longer be a big issue for you.
There is also a possibility that you may not see any signs of PMS. Well, that’s just a lucky month, a rare occurrence. But either way, stay prepared with Always feminine hygiene products like pads and know what to expect so that you’re not thrown off guard.