Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or want to prevent pregnancy, most of us have asked the question: ‘Can you get pregnant on your period?’. A popular belief is that you can’t get pregnant when menstruating.
Logically, the days when you bleed are believed to be the safest days if you don’t want to get pregnant. However, there are several accounts of women saying, ‘I got pregnant on my period’. But is that possible? The answer is yes, it is. While the chances of getting pregnant on your period are lower, they aren’t zero. In this article we will try to understand the mechanics of this possibility.

How your menstrual cycle works
Let us understand the basics. The average length of a menstrual cycle varies between 28 to 35 days. It begins with your period also known as the days when your body loses blood at the end of an ovulatory cycle. This happens when an egg is not fertilized by a sperm.
An egg is released every month on approximately day 14 of the cycle. The ovulation date varies for everyone and may not be the same every cycle. This is especially true for those who have irregular cycles. Ovulation is the most fertile time in your menstrual cycle and it occurs midway through the cycle.
It is known that sperm can survive in the reproductive tract for several days. This means that a woman can get pregnant by having an intercourse during ovulation or the days leading up to it. These days are popularly known as the fertile window. So, if you’re wondering how many days after your period can you get pregnant, the fertile window is your best bet!
Before the egg is released, the hormones increase and start preparing for a possible pregnancy by thickening the lining of the uterus. This happens every cycle in case the egg is fertilized. If the egg is not fertilized, the body sheds the lining of the uterus after approximately 14 days. This shedding is known as your period. The average length of a period is anywhere between two to eight days.
To manage your period, we recommend using the best protection such as Always sanitary pads. Explore the Always Aloe Cool Maxi Thick Sanitary Pads which are designed to have an innovative extra-absorbent core. This helps you stay protected for hours at a stretch. The comfortable flexi pillow and dry top sheet offer extra comfort so that you always stay fresh and clean.
You also have the option of using tampons to manage your period flow. Go for Always’ Tampax which offers tampons that are soft, highly-absorbent, and gently hold menstrual discharge to minimize the risk of leakage. You can try the Tampax Cardboard tampons which have innovative absorption channels that quickly lock in the liquid and hold it in for longer period of time. Its protective skirt at the bottom of the tampon eliminates the risk of leakage.

Can you get pregnant on your period: How does it happen?
Typically, your menstrual cycle lasts anywhere between 28 and 30 days, with your ovulation day falling around day 14 of the cycle. So, in this case, if you were to have intercourse during your periods, which is anywhere in the first five to seven days of your cycle, you most likely won’t ovulate until many days later.
However, those who have a shorter cycle will ovulate earlier, which means they won’t have the same time between their periods and ovulation. This increases the chances of getting pregnant on your period. Another factor to consider is the fact that sperm can survive for up to 72 hours after ejaculation in the reproductive tract. This means having intercourse toward the end of your period increases the likelihood of getting pregnant.
It’s also common and easy to mistake vaginal bleeding for your period. There is a chance that you’re bleeding during ovulation, which is normal. If you have intercourse without any protection during this time, you’re at a very high risk of getting pregnant.
Those who want to know their exact ovulation days and cycle patterns, must consider tracking their cycles over the course of a several months. You can use the Always Period Calculator which helps you identify the days you will most likely be ovulating. Once you chart your cycle and record the dates for several months, you will be able to identify a pattern.

Take precautions with birth control
For those who want to get pregnant, it is best to have intercourse during your fertile window. Although it is possible to get pregnant by having intercourse during your period if your menstrual cycle is fewer than 28 days.
On the other hand, if you are trying to prevent pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you use contraception every time. This could be done by either wearing a condom or taking birth control pills.
For those who want to avoid getting pregnant and are thinking can you get pregnant on your period, it is important to use protection as there is always a possibility. Whereas for those who want to get pregnant, know that ovulation cycles can be tricky, which means it’s possible you could become pregnant on your period. Talk to your doctor if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for over a year. You may be asked to track your cycle to identify your fertile window.
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